What’s On

Friday Activities

Coffee Morning Friday

Every Friday at 09:00

Coffee mornings take place from 9:00-11:30 am on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays throughout the year with the exception of bank holidays. Coffee Mornings are social events. Meeting together with friends...

Memory Lane Craft Group

Every Friday at 10:00

Our Memory Lane Creative Craft group takes place every Friday morning 10.00- 1 pm and 10.00 – 3pm on the 3rd Friday of each month, stay for the morning or...

Seated Yoga

Every Friday at 12:30

12.30pm-2.00pm 1 and a half hours of gentle seated yoga – suitable for all. £4 per session to book your place contact Ways to Wellbeing on 03000 262 539 or...
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Kaze Chikara Karate Club

Every Friday at 06:00

We are a non-profit, voluntary organisation, where we study the art of Shotokan Karate together. The club is based in Chester-le-Street, County Durham, and is affiliated to the Karate Union of Great Britain (KUGB), the largest Shotokan Karate organisation...
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New Group Slimming World

Every Friday at 17:30

Join the club with a big heart. Loose weight without feeling hungry. Reach your weight lose dream eating the food you love. Yes you can with Slimming World! Slimming World...

Holy Communion Service

Every Friday at 10:30

A Holy Communion service is held on the 1st & 3rd  Fridays of each month at 10:30am
Church Activities
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Memory Lane Craft Club Coffee Morning

Every Friday at 10:00

Everyone is welcome. If you would like to join our group we meet every Friday 10am-1pm for a cost of £3 per session.  We have sewing machines/overlocker/cutting out equipment/quilting frames...

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