What’s On

Wednesday Activities

Carers & Toddlers ( Wednesday morning)

Every Wednesday at 09:45

These sessions are TERM TIME only. The morning session is from 9.45am until 11.15am Sessions cost £2.00 per family. There is an abundance of toys suitable for babies and toddlers,...

Film Making for Special Abilities – morning

Every Wednesday at 10:00

Our film making project ‘Reach for the Stars’  caters specifically for  individuals with learning disabilities or as we prefer ‘Special Abilities’. Courses last for  between 10-12 weeks with approximately 12-15...
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Film Making for Special Abilities

Every Wednesday at 12:30

Our film making project ‘Reach for the Stars’  caters specifically for  individuals with learning disabilities or as we prefer ‘Special Abilities’. Courses last  between 10-12 weeks with approximately 12-15 individuals...
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Ballroom Dancing

Every Wednesday at 19:45

We offer Ballroom and Latin American dance classes for adult beginners. The classes are aimed at adults who would like to take up a fun and moderately active hobby. We...
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4th Chester le Street Rainbows (5-7yrs)

Every Wednesday at 18:00

 Rainbows for girls are aged 5-7 and these are the youngest members of Girl Guiding UK. They follow a programme called the Rainbow Jigsaw, which involves a wide range of activities...
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Slimming World

Every Wednesday at 17:30

Join the club with a big heart. Loose weight without feeling hungry. Reach your weight lose dream eating the food you love. Slimming World Group meet at Cornerstones every Wednesday...

Cestria University of the Third Age (U3A)

Wednesday, March, 2025 - 09:00

The Cestria branch of the University of the Third Age (U3A) is using Cornerstones for their monthly meetings. Meetings are the first Wednesday of each month (except for Christmas holidays...

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