Memory Lane Craft Group

Every Friday at 10:00

Our Memory Lane Creative Craft group takes place every Friday morning 10.00- 1 pm and 10.00 – 3pm on the 3rd Friday of each month, stay for the morning or the full day the choice is yours.

Everyone has different skills and some examples of what we enjoy include: embroidery, knitting, crocheting and quilting the list is endless. One thing is certain we enjoy each other’s company and share our expertise.

We also have demonstrations to help us learn new skills. If you want to learn a new skill we have people who can assist you. If you want to enhance the skills you already have we can give you some new ideas.

We have sewing machines, an over-locking machine, large craft cutting boards, tools and lots of haberdashery items. The cost is £3 per morning up to 1 pm and £5 is staying until 3pm. When we want a break, refreshments are available at the Friday coffee morning downstairs and the Friday thrift stall is very popular for bargain hunters!

All ages and abilities are welcome, as there is full disabled access so please do not be shy come along and join us everyone is made welcome.


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