Cestrain Flower Club

2025-03-06 - 18:45

Cestrian Flower Club was founded in September 1969 by a group interested in flower arranging and gardening, and celebrated its 50th Anniversary (Gold) at Lumley Castle in 2019. We are a very active Flower Club always looking to welcome new members.

The Club is an accredited member of the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies (NAFAS).

We meet at 6.45pm on the first Thursday of every month (excluding January and August) in Chester-le-Street Methodist Church, North Burns, Chester-le-Street where we enjoy flower arranging demonstrations by local and national demonstrators in an informal and friendly atmosphere. Non members are welcome to join us at our meetings for which there is a small charge of £5.00.

Tea, Coffee and Biscuits are available after each demonstration.

The Club also organises trips during the year to events such as RHS Flower Shows, Stately Homes & Gardens and other flower related events.

If you are interested in flowers and making new friends why not come along to our next demonstration and find out why our motto is Fun, Friendship and Flowers.

Details of our March 2025 – February 2026 programme are available on our website: www.cestrianflowerclub.co.uk



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