Cornerstones and Dementia Friendly Choirs present the Forget Me Not Singers Taster Session. All are welcome to join our free inclusive dementia friendly choir singing session 1-3pm on Thursday 5th September. Led by Bethany Elen Coyle. Complimentary refreshments provided. For more details contact the office on 0191 3881313/
This year has seen a 24% rise or domestic pets being surrendered to rescue charities. Animal rescue charities face more difficulty now than ever before, with many more hungry mouths to feed.
Local charities also distribute pet food donations to families in need, giving those who need the extra support in order to enable them to keep their beloved family pet in their happy homes!.
This is why we are opening a local pet food bank, so we are able to support these organisations who are struggling with the influx of abandoned animals.
Can you help by donating pet food or supplies?
If so, please bring them to the Church Office during opening hours to drop off your donation!
Do you have a few hours to spare on a regular basis?
Would you like to join our little army of Cornerstones volunteers?
If so we have vacancies for the following posts:
Helping to sell the enormous variety of bric-a-brac which is donated. Duties include setting out the stall the previous day. Please contact Joan Evans (tel: 0191 3881313) or email
Helping to cook and serve subsidised lunches. These lunches are open to all the community. Please contact Denise Holmes or Lesley Walton (tel: 0191 3881313) or email
Helping to make and serve teas and coffees. The coffee mornings are open to all the community. Please contact Denise Holmes or Lesley Walton (tel: 0191 3881313) or email
Make Lunch is an hour of activities for families during school holidays, followed by a hot meal for families and volunteers to share together. Volunteers could help prepare the meal, run activities for the children or chat to the adults. Contact Neil Garlick (tel: 07855 386292)
All these posts are as part of a friendly team working on a rota basis, usually once a month (except for the ‘Make Lunch’ team). It’s an opportunity to meet people, make new friends and to be of service to the community we live among.
A little booklet entitled ‘CORNERSTONES – A JOURNEY OF FAITH’ has been produced. It tells the story of Cornerstones from its unlikely beginning because of a leaking roof to the thriving entity it is today. It tells how the Church members worked very hard to raise the funds to build our beautiful suite of premises, the official launch of Cornerstones in 2010, and how it has grown and developed over the years since. If you’d like a free copy of this fascinating booklet, copies are available at the Church Office.
0191 3881313/